Land Registry
The Land Registry provides information about a property in England or Wales, including the property’s address, description, ownership and any restrictions or rights associated with it. Layering this UK land registry map data over the OS MasterMap ensures that the data is visually accessible and as accurate as possible when opened in your GIS or CAD software.
What are Land Registry Maps?
You can find information about a property in England or Wales, even if you do not own it, by a land registry map search. The property summary includes the property’s address, the property description, the ‘tenure type’ - the type of ownership the property has, whether there are any ‘restrictive covenants’, which are promises to not do certain things with the land, like not building on a particular area and whether there are any ‘easements’, which are the rights of one piece of land over another, like a right of way.
Why use Land Registry Maps?
Attaining land registry and inputting this information over OS MasterMap to create a UK land registry map can be beneficial in several ways.
It provides information about the property’s address, description, ownership, and any restrictions or rights associated with it.
Convenient and visual.
The Ordnance Survey mapping used as a basis for all land registry maps & plans enables the creation of plans to a satisfactory standard and relates individual title plans to one another.
The title plan includes the property’s location and general boundaries.
The title register usually includes the title number, who owns the property, how much the property was last sold for, whether the property has a mortgage, details of any ‘restrictive covenants’ and details of any ‘easements’.
By having access to this information, developers can make informed decisions about the property and avoid any legal issues that may arise in the future

*Northern Ireland equivalent available
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